Saturday, October 10, 2009

weight 172

Had an epiphany today. Reading an article about Maurice Sendak author and illustrator of the book "Where the Wild Things Are." He talked about the American romanticism of childhood. That is when it struck me. I was told, childhood should be idyllic. When I had to look at my real my really real childhood, and it wasn't perfect. Understand, my parents did not tell me my childhood was perfect. They were real people dealing with real issues. It is the culture. The culture says that childhood should be blissful. If this is true, then my young life must have been messed up, right? Not so, it is just life. Children, just like grownups, have real lives not all happy happy joy joy, but the real deal ups downs and sideways.

Somehow I feel much much better. Now, I've got to be more real with my boys.

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