Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Achievement.

I managed to fit into my husbands pants. This may sound like a disaster, but before my butt was too big.

I gardened for three hours today. I am bone tired.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Healthy Lunch

I had a piece of whole wheat toast with humus, asparagus, and a V8 for lunch. If I eat any healthier, I may die from it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Big Ole Gardening Day

I gardened from 9:00 this morning to 4:00 this afternoon. I would say I took about 9o minutes of break time during the day. Gardening burns more calories than my walking does, but it's not as good aerobic exercise. So I am going to give myself five miles worth. Calories burned are about 272 an hour bringing today's total to 1361. If I kept my yard perfect I might be thin.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yo-Yo Me

I forgot to post this yesterday and to change my ticker. I dropped back down to 145 without doing anything. It really is the hormones. I am paying more attention to this because of this blog. It really is happening, cycle gain five pounds, wait a week lose it without really trying. This should be a lesson in patience.

At Canton yesterday instead of eating a whole hamburger, I split one with Mamala and she shared her fried pie with me. We were full, but not sick. Much better way to enjoy a guilty pleasure. Half the food = Half the guilt.