Wednesday, January 14, 2009

first five pounds.

I have lost five pounds since starting over. I have tried to use the wii fit every day. Asthma prevented anything yesterday, but one day means nothing. Anyway, five pounds is something more than just normal weight fluctuation. Feeling pretty good about it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolution

In an attempt to begin my new year resolution to lose this ugly fat, I bought a digital scale yesterday. So far it is making me crazy. Anyway, I weight 178.8 lbs and need to lose 45.8 lbs. I asked for Wii fit for my birthday and purchased a bunch of good food yesterday. I have given myself a $60 a week on healthy good food and drinks such as herbal tea and real unsweetened cranberry juice. I am going to try to change my diet from an easy quick lousy died to a richer healthier more natural diet. In with the veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy, and out with the wine, beer, and white stuff. I slept very well last night and am looking forward to feeling and looking better.