Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas is over. I ate too much and exercised too little. I lost the step meter, but even then I wasn't walking enough. So here we go, start over. I made some vegetable soup last week with lentils an acorn squash very tasty. Today I made vegetable soup out of the following

Cabbage, onion, celery, carrot, garlic, lemon juice, beef broth, and worchestershire sauce.

I am going to start making much smaller batches of my soup. What happens is i make a big pot and then get sick of it, but there is still stuff left and I don't go on to make a different batch of soup. Now, I will use a sauce pan instead of a stock pot. I am asking for a Wii and a Wii fit for my birthday, maybe that will get me off my rump.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday stuff

six hours of housework and gardening burned 1410 calories. Seems like it should have been a billion. My feet hurt.
The Nottingham family reunion kind of got me off track. I am back on it today though and ready to get my walk on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 2

yesterday I clocked 4.10 miles. Not to good, but better than the test day. Today I had lunch with Rhonda. We split a meal. Now I need to go out in the garden or go for a walk or both.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 1

Okay, I'm back. Scary pictures made me start walking again. Well I was planning on walking again anyway. I bought a new, nicer pedometer. I did the daily activity test and found out that I don't move very much. I went for a 30 minute walk earlier today and will do it again later this afternoon. Really out of shape. My goal is six miles a day. At this time, I am 37% of the way to that goal. Need to get moving. They say it takes three weeks to develope a new habit. So for the next three weeks the goal is to walk every day. I would also like to do about 50 crunches. This should be doable. I don't want to worry about my diet right now, although during the time I spend walking I cannot help but daydream about bigger and better plans. I need to remember not to overwhelm myself. One thing at a time. This month walk. Next month maybe diet changes or maybe add weights. Anyway, til Christmas, I focus on walking.

I did make a yummy lunch. Shredded cabbage, finely chopped carrot, celery and garlic sauted and then finished with some soy sauce. Tastes just like an eggroll without the deep frying and startch. Yummy