Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Monday

my weight is still bouncing all over the place. Yesterday 170 today 174. I'm not going to worry about it as long as it keeps bouncing lower. Remember it did this before and was from 174 to 178 or something so at least this bounce is lower than the last one. Anyway. Working out and eating right. Wine has been put away for special occasions. Larry is on board.

Worked out with mom yesterday 24 minutes on the treadmill. 8 minutes on the elliptical machine.

I added a daily calorie counter and a weight log (which has and average thank you very much) to my igoogle page. I don't see this blog frequently throughout the day, but I use my igoogle page while I am on the internet to get to facebook, twitter and my blogs. It makes sense to have those numbers right in front of my face every day.

Weight 174.
BP 110/90
Exercise 30 minutes elliptical machine upper body weights

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