Friday, October 2, 2009

Check up

Dr. lectured me royally today about the bad labs and my not very well controlled blood pressure. It really is much worse in the doctors office. Got the 1200 calorie diet and six day a week workout advice. Doing exactly what it is we all should do, but that most of us don't. After about a two minute walk, I jogged the remainder of fifty minutes. It was hard and I wanted to quit.

Just ate a giant plate of grilled veggies with a tiny bit of olive oil, a splash of balsamic vinegar and just a little bit of grated cheese melted on top.

I was going to the post office and decided to take a detour and see how far I have been walk/jogging. This is so sad, I have been spending 45 minutes walking/jogging 2.2 miles. Turtles could lap me.

Weight 173
BP 140/111 at Drs office freaking out
Jog 50 minutes

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