Tuesday, December 20, 2011

- 33 pounds

I can't believe I failed to document -32 and -33 pounds.  - 33 happened a couple of weeks ago and I am holding steady again. I did fall off the training wagon for a couple of weeks because of kids stuff and work stuff and well, just life in general.  That is okay though.  I returned to yoga last night no worse for the break.  I will return to the couch to 5k most likely tomorrow as I have yoga again tonight and doing them both on the same day proved to be more than my middle aged body could reasonably handle. 

This has been and will continue to be a gentle journey..  I intend to be much kinder to myself as I grow older.  That doesn't mean easy on myself, however.  It just means I will care for my body and spirit in diet, exercise, work and other meaningful activities. 

25 pounds to go and I will be at the top level of my "healthy" weight.  Already my blood pressure has normalized and I feel soooo much better.  Need to leave myself a note to come here and document my activities, foods and progress more often so I will have the story complete to tell when all the extra weight is gone. 

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