Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Come On

Yesterday 172 today 173. I am eating perfectly. WTF.

BP 111/90

jog/walked for 45 minutes. More jogging than walking finally.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Getting Rid of Some of the Salt

Well that was some kind of ride. Swelled up to 177 then back down to 170.6 in two days. Salt and my period are apparently bad bedfellows. Anyway, I reached the goal of a little more than three pounds and have learned a lesson about table salt. Today begins another week to try to lose another 3 pounds. Wish me luck and self control.

Working on jogging a little more each time I walk/jog.

Weight 170.6
Exercise 45 minutes walk/jog

Sunday, September 27, 2009

weight 175
BP 113/86 Thank you Lord.
Exercise - Intermittent gardening.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stupid Hormones

Either the scale is crazy or my body has lost it's mind. Scale said 177 this morning. I ate perfectly yesterday and exercised. FML.

A few hours later and it is 176. Guess what? I started. That probably explains a lot. Stupid hormones.

Weight 176 ?????
Exercise - rest

Friday, September 25, 2009

weight roler coster

Weighed 173 this morning WTF. My weight is bouncing all over the place. I have been feeling really awful all day. I don't know if my body is mad at me for taking care of it or what. It can just get over it because I am not stopping.

Weight 173
BP 124/94
Exercise 2 hours hoeing at the farm.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I weighed 169.8 this morning. That, my friends, is too fast. I know I was throwing ketones yesterday because I had that wonky taste in my mouth. Going to have to add on a few carbs. I really didn't feel good either. Kind of blurry headed. I ended up in bed before 10:00 pm. I'm a night person so this is not normal. If I remember correctly, it took me about three or four weeks to get the diabetic diet down right when I was pregnant with Logan. I know I am ahead of the curve this time, but I am still going to have to do some adjusting. Apples and peanut butter will probably fix this right up. I won't turn that weight loss down, but that is not how I intend to do this. The goal is three pounds a week, not a pound a day.

Weight 169.8
BP 114/94
Exercise 30 minutes in the garden
1 hour walk/jog

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Weight 172.4
BP 118/90
Exercise 27 minutes WII

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

And The Tree Pose is Kicking My Butt

You know what I hate? I hate it when I share a goal with someone and they immediately shoot it down. I have been researching this weight loss thing. Much of what I have read says that 1 to 3 pounds a week of weight loss is okay. I am a results oriented person. I want to get things done. I lose interest and/or get discouraged if I don't lose faster than that. Knowing this about myself, I feel like setting a higher goal is better for me.

I shared my goal with my mom and sister over lunch today. They both immediately shot me down saying things like that is too fast and, this one I love "You won't keep it off." Yet another piece of useless crap to get stuck in my damned head. Did I mention they are both really thin. Thin people should automatically be supportive. Sometimes it feels like people want a fat girl around to make themselves feel better, although they probably don't even realize it themselves.

And the tree pose is kicking my butt

Crap That Got Stuck in My Head

I have alot of anger about my weight and the way people have treated me in the past. I think now is a perfect time to let the universe know what assholes have been hanging around in my past pissing me off. I'm very grateful they are gone and I'm in a better place now. Still jackasses sometimes leave ghost voices that say things to me like "you've got a lot of FP=fat potential" Thank you idiot ex-boyfriend from college. That bullshit has stayed with me for 22 years. I hope all of your hair fell out.

Weight 173.6 lbs
BP 126/98
Work Out 47 minutes WII = 27 minutes aerobics 20 minutes balance and yoga
Walk/jog 30 minutes total 1 hour 17 minutes.

Monday, September 21, 2009

This Time I Really Mean It.

Okay, my blood pressure went back up to 143/103. My blood sugar average acourding to the a1c is 150, which is not okay with me. I gained the stupid five pounds back. This needs to change and change now. Started a low carb diet last week, no weight change yet. Began walking but not consistently, will use the WII when it is too hot or there are too many mosquitoes. Maybe two a day workout are in order, WII before work walk/jog after.

Weight 174.3
BP 143/103
Work Out 45 minutes WII Fit 26 min aerobics 19 min balance and yoga
30 minute walk/jog w/Logan 1 plank