Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Short Term Goal #1

When I think of how far I have to go, it is overwhelming. Instead I am going to set shorter termed goals. I have been on my part-time vegetarian diet since Sunday. I took an apple and some string cheese to work with me yesterday and that worked perfectly. Today I ate frittata and an avocado for breakfast. I was not hungry for the rest of the day. Wow. Tonight I am having salmon, carrots and zucchini stir fried, and a salad. If I get hungry later on tonight, I will finish the little bit of zucchini lasagna.

Anyway, the goal. To eat on my part-time vegetarian diet and work out on the Wii Fit everyday humanly possible from now until March 30. The reason I picked March 30 is because I hope to be meeting some other north Texas garden bloggers in Edom at the North Texas Garden Bloggers Hoe Down, which was my suggestion. Anyway, I would like to lose 2 pounds or a little more a week. If I can lose one pound every three days that would be 12 pounds by 3/30 bringing me down to 162. The goal really is the diet and exercise. The weight is just a wish.

Oh have worked out on the wii two days in a row and will do it again after dinner. 40 minutes.

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