Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008

Don't get to this blog enough. The other is taking up all my free time. Have not missed a day of aerobics since starting. I am going to a play tomorrow night and will have to miss it then. Feeling a little stronger. Weight is holding steady.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Something is still messing with my appitite. I just wish I could tell what it is. There are several half eaten bowls of good for me stuff in the fridge. I just could not finish them. Lost one more pound. Aerobics did not kill me but it felt awful. Didn't have the after workout feel goods. I probably spent too much time in the sun yesterday.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My work out partner missed the class saturday and is not going tonight either. I could use this as an excuse to stay home, but I am not. I am going and I will feel better.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

one more pound. Aerobics appears to be messing with my appitite.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rought week but still lost weight

Okay, I have lost four pounds. I don't know how because my schedule was crazy and I did not eat right all the time. I don't care I will take it and take care of it now. The RWH specialist class is over, so life should return to my version of normal. As soon as #1 sil gets here we are going to aerobics. I vow to only put good for me things in my mouth today.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My neighbor/aerobics teacher did not kill me. More later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday morning.

Scale showed one pound down this morning. The goal is two a week for the next nine weeks. I start aerobics tonight. The instructor is my next door neighbor. I hope she doesn't kill me.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nine Weeks

Okay, I am setting another goal. It is nine weeks until my nieces wedding. I would like to lose 2 pounds a week for a total of 18 lbs. That should put me in a size 12. I am starting aerobics tomorrow night and started following the DASH diet again today. Here I go again. I will try to post everyday I am home for the next nine weeks.

8 servings fruits and veggies per day
6 servings whole grain per day
3 servings nonfat dairy per day
1 serving lean protein per day
3 servings seeds per week
1 serving or less of white stuff per day (sugar/white flour/etc)

Got my weight loss ticker working again. Love the flutterby